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Lotus (Nymphaea) is the genus name for the water plant of the tribe of Nymphaeaceae. In the English language known as the water-lily or waterlily. In Indonesia, the lotus is also used to take the plant from the genus Nelumbo (lotus).

In the first period, people are often shuffle between plants such as Nelumbo genus with the genus Nymphaea lotus (lotus). Nelumbo on, there are flowers on the surface of water (not light), red sheath bersemu (lotus white to yellow), full-circle-shaped leaves and rimpangnya normal consumption.

Crops grown on the surface of calm water. Flowers and leaves are found in surface water, out of which comes from the stalk rizoma that is in the mud on the bottom pond, river or swamp. There is a handle in the middle of the leaf. Leaf-shaped round or oval shape of width of cut on the fingers to the handles. Leaves the surface layer of wax does not contain water so that the leaves fall to the surface water does not form a grain.

There is a flower stalk on which the extension of rimpang. Flower diameter between 5-10 cm.
Teratai consists of about 50 species spread from the tropical to subtropical regions throughout the world. Lotus that grows in the tropics comes from Egypt.
Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Benefit 3 Differences with Nuphar 4 External links

Teratai a plant in the gardens because the flowers are beautiful. French painter named Claude Monet famous painting with a lotus flower.

At the time of ancient Egypt, lotus and lotus grows along the many river Nile. Nymphaea caerulea and Nymphaea lotus are two species that came from Egypt. Flowers N. caerulea was only a day, blooms in the morning and submerged under water at dusk the day. Flowers of N. lotus blossom in the night and close in the morning. Survival of both types of native Egyptian lotus is found in the tomb Ramses II.

Differences with Nuphar
Teratai still one tribe with the genus Nuphar the major difference lies in the leaf crown. Lotus flower has a corolla of a larger leaf sheath, while the genus Nuphar leaves have a crown of smaller leaves than the sheath. Teratai fruit maturation occurs under the surface of the water, with different fruit maturation of the genus Nuphar is happening on the surface of water. )