Air pollution not only out of the chimney or exhaust of vehicles on the highway. As the enemy in the blanket, too many dangerous compounds hanging in the room or office. The compound is easily inhaled nose when we relax or work.
Many objects in the office and home can be a source of toxic gases. For example plait coating, paint and lacquer dressing table your favorite antique chair. Not only that, tissue, paper, plywood, cleaning fluids, cigarette smoke, steam ink, glue fumes, plastics, detergents and crushed glass fiber can also be a source of high-risk pollutant gases.
Pollutant gases that many kinds. Example: formaldehyde, ammonia, benzana, carbon monoxide, xylene, and trichloroethylene is carcinogenic, causing cancer aka prickly. Especially liver cancer.
In the house clean, it turns out many things that can also contain substances that are harmful. Furniture, paints, cleaning fluids, are some examples of things that potentially harmful substances out. Substances would be scattered in the air and we do not realize go into the body when we breathe. According California Air Resources Board ( ARB ), there are three hazardous substances most widely inside the house, IE formaldehyde, benzene, and TEC ( Tricloroethilene ). All three of these substances in fact substance is classified as air pollutants.
Could be identified because the stinging smell, especially in high concentrations. If the smell constantly, this gas will irritate the eyes, nose, and lungs.
Some household items that contain formaldehyde resin and glue are. Resin and glue can be used to glue the pieces of wood or fiber into plywood, particle board, and other processed wood products.
Formaldehyde also used in fabric and carpet to make it easy to tangle and to maintain the fabric color. Addition, formaldehyde is a byproduct of wood combustion processes, household gases, and smoke cigarettes.
Substances that are usually abbreviated as TCE is usually mixed in a solution, such as ink and ink eraser (like tip-ex). Walls and furniture coatings such as paint and varnish also contain this.
Concentrations of lace, smell TCE can cause head ache, dizziness, lung irritation, and difficulty concentrating. If you smell this substance continuously and for a long time, can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, and nerve.
Although it smells sweet, can benzana bad effect on health. When benzana smell, this substance will enter the blood cells and over time will damage the spinal cord. As a result, production of red blood cells decreased and anemia arises. Another effect, will decrease the body's immune, so we are easily infected.
High content of benzana can accelerate heart rate, making the body trembling, anxiety, and even can cause loss of consciousness and death.
Benzana usually used in the industry in the plastics industry, hence the objects made of plastic such as a chair or kitchen tools, there is the possibility of containing this substance. Concentration harmful substances circulating in the house is relatively small.
27 Desember 2009 pukul 17.44
nice information, thank's for your sharing