Broccoli is a plant belong to braissicaceace family ( cabbage, formerly couciferae ).
Broccoli is classified into cultivar italic specified into brassica oleracea. Broccoli has many number of flowers painted green neatly arrthe anged just like thick tree branch which is eatable.
Broccoli harbor vitamin C and fibre in a large number. It is cooked for a couple minutes before served. Cooking it too long can it reduce the virtue. The most virtuous component in broccoli is sulforokan which can hamper tumor, prevent from colon and rectum cancer.
bu melfa
11 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.08
Broccoli..for many Indonesian,,especially me is an expensive vegetable.So even lots of vitamin on it, i would rather buy kangkong or spinach that less expensive than broccoli
Blog Sersan
24 Oktober 2009 pukul 15.07
melandri@thanks for the advice