Marriage Different Religion
Later when more and more couples finally decided to marry her partner although different religions. Regarding the issue of teaching religion that prohibits this, all back again to your personal and your beliefs and your partner You. Many of the maze of information about different religious marriages in Indonesia. Some people stated that it was forbidden and others declared legitimate. Of course, all statements is not intended to oppose the teachings of other religions.
Many people think fostering households with different beliefs will find a lot of trouble. Starting from they will educate and guide children up to what should be high-minded when our partners will celebrate and perform worship.It is sometimes the problem seems to look different religions look. There is always a positive and negative impacts. But was not always shown the impact negative, if both are able to place and keep everything after the duties and obligations. One thing we must always consider is the sense of tolerance. By instilling religion since childhood, we can be trained for and do good things. This certainly will bring something good to future, by giving freedom to adopt what religion we want to cuddle without being there coercion. From there we will also be better to have an attitude high tolerance for other people, relatives and environment.
In accordance with the Charter of Rights Human Rights Marriage laws in Indonesia at the bottom does not prohibit marriage different religion. In Article 2 Marriage No. 1 Year 1974 mention that, Marriage is a legal, if done according to law of each religion and belief. By this means, that every Indonesian citizen to be married must be through the institution each religion and subject to the rules religious marriage. Then if they have different religion, then religious institutions can not be marry them unless one of them follow the religion other. But Indonesian law does not set about marriage different religion In Article 2 Marriage No. 1 Year 1974 provide understanding about the bond of marriage between a man born with the inner one woman as husband and wife with the aim a family (household ) a happy and everlasting based on the Belief in God Almighty. Means are required, if you want to perform marriages, must be based on the inner and outer bond.
Cooperation to build the ark home The second cooperation from both sides are also very important. Thus you and your partner will feel a more colorful life with a marriage You are different though both convictions.
Another thing that also the increase of knowledge gained. Learning can obtained anywhere, as well as knowledge about different beliefs. Would be a lot of things that encourages us to read the book in order to increase knowledge about a variety of good faith lives in Indonesia and the world.
Thus, this can convince more of what religion we profess. No different partner forever would be bad faith. Also There is not no party may eventually follow beliefs partner, although they had to take a long time. And certainly different religious marriage, depending on the angle Where do you see it.
12 Desember 2009 pukul 05.04
saiia masih ttp gag bisa berfikir knp ini bisa terjadi :(
12 Desember 2009 pukul 09.43
wah, kalau mesti kembali kepada 'tergantung dari sisi mana' kita melihatnya... apa tidak malah berabeh mas?!!??!
14 Desember 2009 pukul 01.22
Indonesia masih dilema dengan kasus ini
16 Desember 2009 pukul 18.44
thanks for stopping by my blog and I already link you on my blogroll
16 Desember 2009 pukul 18.45
thanks for stopping by my blog and I already link you on my blogroll happy holidays!
ade uny
9 Januari 2010 pukul 13.38
aku aku ndak mau ikutan ah.
nikah kan omongan orang dewasa. aku masih kecil.....hheehehehehe
18 Januari 2010 pukul 02.58
sorry for fast reading.