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Life Chain

When you live in a world that the entire system and is driven by a single element with the other. Each section in this world can not live alone, all are interdependent with each other.

At top of that The power really is remarkable that regulate everything, that is God Almighty. He runs it with all elements perfectly balanced and.

You need to know also that, you and we are all part of the moving system. You feel that you are the most important system of all that is in this universe, not really.

You appeared in the world also are part of the process is very complicated systems that. On time, at the appropriate place and in a way that correctly prescribed by Him Who is Able.

So what? I would like to invite to you that in this world nothing is not right. Perhaps you feel that the work, family, wife, children and the atmosphere that you live does not fit according to your logic. But no friends, all that was programmed by a complex system that. And nothing escaped him.

All that from beginning to end later it was designed so that harmony with the way the other system details.

All have been consistent, precise and certainly it was in accordance with the laws of his willingness. Your task is to stay current for you to play an optimal role may be, do not waste your role is.
Thus, regret whatever happens in you or around you is not no meaning at all.